Some extracts from “BUSINESS DRIVEN PMO SETUP” by Mark Price Perry

Some extracts from “BUSINESS DRIVEN PMO SETUP” by Mark Price Perry

Murphy’s Law: If anything can go wrong, it will

Parkinson’s Law: Work will expand to fill the time available for its

Student Syndrome: People will only start to fully apply themselves to a
task just before its deadline

Entropy: It is a natural tendency to move from order to disorder

Game Theory: An individual’s success in making choices depends on
the choices of others (i.e., Nash Equilibrium, Prisoner’s Dilemma)

Pyrrhic Victory: A victory with a devastating and perilous cost to the

Winner’s Curse: In an auction, the winner will tend to overpay

Mexican Stand-off: Multiple opponents with weapons aimed at each
other will not fire the first shot

Pavlov’s Law: Repetitive event conditioning can trigger automatic pre-event responses

The Peter Principle: In a hierarchical organization, employees will tend
to rise to their own level of incompetence

Peter’s Corollary: In time, every position tends to be occupied by an
employee who is incompetent to do the job

The Dilbert Principle: Ineffective workers are moved to the place where
they can do the least amount of damage

Goodhart’s Law: When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a
good measure

Pareto Principle (the 80/20 rule): 80 percent of the effects come from
20 percent of the causes

Hanlon’s Razor: Never attribute to intentional malice that which can be
explained by sheer stupidity