Troubled Projects

Troubled Projects

I would classify such projects into three categories: troubled projects, sick projects and failed projects. Troubled projects are those who have run into problems but can be fixed by controlling various factors mentioned by Rami and Sergio. In short troubled projects can be fixed by following good project management practices. Sick projects are more intricate in nature, they have so far not failed but they are destined for failure and fixing them would entail complete re-planning after thorough analysis and re-evaluation. These projects may be rescued with highly intelligent and creative trouble-shooting but may also hit the rock bottom by becoming failed projects. Failed projects are those projects which have not fulfilled the success criteria and have finally been declared as unsuccessful. They cannot be fixed but if the benefits expected from project needs still to be realized, we will have to come up with a business case for a completely new project. It is point of no return, but strategy may find a way to deal with them.